Sunday, June 22, 2008

Doctor Who.

Doctor Who is probably the best Sci-Fi series i've EVER watched. er..just the best series, out of any channel...ever. I just love it. it's always interesting, not ever a dull moment. It keeps you off guard and on edge. Although it confuses me a little, lol. I haven't watched many of the series except the 1st season and a couple of the 4th so far. the ones with the 9th doctor in it are my favorite. I would reeeeeeaaaally be amazed if my mom would get me the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd series on dvd for me for my brithday. but seeing as that costs well over 100 dollars, that is HIGHLY unlikely. But man, i just love that show.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hmm, i'm pretty bored and figured i'd put a selection of shout outs to my friends on meh blog.
NOTE: this is not all of my friends, just a few of my closest ones..and i didn't really include my bo friends.

Kelli Small. Me and you have like the same thoughts on just about's kind of wierd sometimes even lol. We have the same sense of humor and like to do pretty much the same things. I like taking random pictures with you and making videos out of boredom in p.e. I think we've only gotten into one arguement since we've known each other, and that was pretty much my fault. I wuv you best frand. :]

Chantae Bryant. We have had like the best times together out of all the friends i've ever had, since 1st grade babyy. We make the funnest videos..and have many more ideas that still need to be made. Uhhm, we became obsessed with smosh together..i still believe some day we'll marry them lol. or be best friends..because they are a little old for us, ha. Hopefully one day our videos will make us as famous as smosh..and we'll be WEALTHY.

Tawny Smith. I FREAKING LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You learnded me to play the flute, and then we became PERCUSSIONISTS together. We look good in russian hats, and transformer's shirts..even though they are made for little boys, ha. When i'm around you i know it's guarunteed that i'll have a good time, it's greatness.

Stacy Ward. We've been friends since basically birth..we lived next to each other for ever, and then reunited at 7th grade because i had to move to inez.'re stuck with me, we're family if you get mad at me ever, you'll have to get over it because i'll come up to you and pick your nose and make you laugh about it lol. I love you dear cousin.

Jessica Farnham. I could stay up all night and never sleep if i'm talking to you on yahoo about random crap lol. I love you, even though we just started getting friends towards like the ending of the school year. I wish you'd get a myspace so i could put you up on my top friends, ha...but noooo, you're way too cool and sporty for myspaces. jk, you're not THAT cool :P You think of some pretty hardcore ideas. however..i dont have any pictures of you on my computer :[

Some other good friends i have are: Mary Ann Fletcher, Kayla Freeman, Caitlin Freeman, David Stacy, John Bowen, Graham Simpson, James Jude, Heather Workman, Kelsey Crum, Lorne Crum, Brandon Maynard, Lisa Koning, Linda Koning, Miranda Small, Aimee Testerman,



Magicyellowmovies is LouRae Stacy (me) and Chantae Bryant. Click on our names to add our myspaces. We make short films, that are usually hilarious. We will be making so many more as soon as i get the equipment needed to upload them on my computer so we can edit them. Here are some of our videos, add them to your page if you want!

Click to view the entire video.
Purple Smores.


You can't post this on Youtube.

We are going to have wayyyy many more videos up over the summer.
*Chantae Goes to Rehab
*Our Magical Home