Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mmmm, snow and reruns.

It's snowing. It won't stop snowing. But I'm not complaining, I love snow. It's pretty and fun to play in. But back to my point--because of the snow, I can't go out anywhere because the roads are bad. Theres nothing on TV besides a bunch of reruns of The Secret Life of the American Teenager..or something stupid like that. That show is so dumb, no 15 year olds talk about the things they talk about everyday like that.

So, when in doubt I find some movies to watch. Some of my favorite movies are:
Interstate 60, -loved it, its so unpredictable and unlike any other movie i've watched.
Moving McAllister, -it's really cute and the characters are really likable. Some parts are really funny, ex: this hardcore cowboy guy named The Lady.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, -So confusing but i love it, its so sweet and i LOVE JIM CARREY.
Shaun of the Dead, -i watched this for the first time at one of my birthday party sleepovers forever ago, we laughed the whole way through. i love simon pegg, some of his other movies that are good are Run Fatboy Run & Hot Fuzz.
Van Helsing, Gremlins,
and Ghostbusters.

I love finding new movies, Interstate 60 is the most epic movie ever though. It's awesome I'd most definitely recommend it to you. You can watch it on watch-movies-online.tv --i think that's where i watched it at. Van Helsing kinda stands out on that list, it's nothing like the other movies really. I've loved that movie ever since arounddddd 4th grade i believe.

It took me about 3 tries to get this blog because i keep pressing a mysterious demon button that deleted everything i typed. -_- I hate demon buttons.