Wednesday, July 16, 2008

ze peggster

i love him!

He is my favorite actor of all freaking time. his movies are hilarious. I actually made a checklist of all his movies, videos, tv shows, ect. i could find on a list off of some website, i forget what it was. Anywho his series Spaced is really interesting, the second season i thought was a whole lot better than the first. I watched a couple of his tv series Hippies, its funnier than Spaced, but not as interesting i didn't think. He was in one episode of DANGER! 50,000 Volts that featured zombies, it was hilarious. The gay part worries me, but either way its still pretty funny in my opinion lol.

Simon Pegg's movies are the BEST! I love his humor in things. Shaun of the dead and Hot Fuzz, both tremendously great movies. Big nothing is another movie of his i liked a lot, where he played Gus. Gus shouldn't have died, however even though he was a horrible lier..i am a strong believer Simon Pegg is immortal though, so any character he plays is given that gift. lol :P.

Run Fatboy Run is a movie i have yet to watch, but it looks funny, as all simon pegg movies are. I tried to see if it was on but it wasn't, sadly. it's out on dvd though, i looked on ebay! ah..ebay is wonderful..that's for another time though. I have a whole page on my little notepad of simon pegg movies i need to watch before i die,ano i do plan to accomplish that whole list. Including the cartoon film Free Jimmy, its' about a bunch of druggies helping free an elephant from a zoo i think lol. PLUS, David Tennant is the voice of someone in that that makes it even more wonderful. David Tennant plays Doctor Who..which i have ranted about before.

And as i am never done ranting about Doctor Who, simon pegg plays a villian in an episode of it called "the long game" it's good. he's even funny when he doesn't try to be. Simon Pegg brings personality to everything he is apart of, i love it.

hmm..and here's a cool doctor who pic i found a while back. :D